St Paul UCC Header

300 Washington St, Denver, IA 50622
Tel: (319) 984 5682





Membership/Stewardship Team

Duane Boehmke
Travis Dobbs
Viola Fails
Barb Joblinske
Barb Schnathorst - Chair

In Our Prayers:
Richard Abbas
Marie Bradfield
Bob Brown, father of Amy Robbins
Jim & Marilyn Butler
Grace Foelske
Heidi Hebron, daughter of Rollie & Lori Wedemeier
Rod Hennings
Joyce Kelly, mother-in-law of Brett Johns
Gary Konarske, brother of Nancy Schneider
Mario Novy, nephew of Kathy & Dick Novy
Frank Phillis
Sarah Quigley, niece of Jess & Kathy Meyer, and her family
Larry Rater
Greg Robbins
Jean Robe
Doretta Seegers
Sue Steinberg
Leah Stumme, daughter of Larry & Eleanor Stumme
Joanne Walters, Marilyn Butler’s sister-in-law

and others in need of  healing and wholeness.

Those who are shut-ins or in health care facilities. 

Health/Hygiene Backpack Collection for Denver Schools: Deodorant will be collected in the materials box thru  December 14th  for Denver High School students.  We are resuming our “hygiene items” collection in partnership with St. Peter’s Lutheran. Thanks!

Mission to Assist families of Denver Community School District -- a collaborative  project with St. Peter Lutheran Church and other local churches

The leaders of our nation’s government
All those suffering from weather disasters

      Special Offerings: The need for funding our special offerings continues throughout the year.  If you have not yet contributed or wish to add to your original gift, please note the correct fund on your check or envelope.  

        Strengthen the Church: This offering supports the wider mission of the UCC in Iowa and throughout the United States by aiding new and renewing churches.

        OCWM: These funds are used to support the work of the United Church of Christ in Iowa.

        Neighbors in Need: This is a special mission of the UCC that supports ministries of justice and compassion throughout the United States, and was collected beginning this month.

        Love Offering: These funds are used by the Women’s Fellowship for projects in our local church.  

Are you interested in joining St. Paul, or do you know of others who may be interested?  Contact Pastor Craig. 

Council Officers Meeting Recap – Our Council met following worship on Feb. 2, for the primary purpose of electing officers for Calendar 2014 and distributing functional team assignments.  Our next meeting is planned for Tues., Feb. 26 at 6PM.  We look forward to our next year of service!

President        (2017)                        Kathie Novy               (Missions)
V. President   (2016)                        Darleen Steck            (Worship)
Secretary        (2015)                        Deb Fowler                (Christian Education)
Member          (2015)                        Nancy Schneider       (Memorial)
Member          (2016)                        Travis Dobbs             (Building and Grounds)
Member          (2017)                        Lisa Meyer                 (Pastoral Relations)
Member          (2017)                        Barb Schnathorst      (Membership; Fellowship liaison)
Treasurer                               Sherry Lehman
Financial Secretary               Nancy Schneider